Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Are school rules a good idea?

I think school rules are necessary. If everyone did everything they wanted, it would be chaos! There's nothing wrong with having rules; on the contrary, it makes life much easier for all people involved. It is a way of learning about living in society. It clarifies what you can or should do in certain circumstances and also what you mustn't do. But I believe these rules should be reasonable; I mean, rules must contribute to the well-being of the people involved - otherwise, they become non-sensical.
What do you think? Are school rules a good idea?


  1. As far as i know school rules are for set out the rules of convivence. School rules only remember the basics of the ideal convivence,nothing more.
    The only way to make the school rules desapear is don't be a troublemaker and respect the other's feelings and lifes. For own nom, the school rules are necessary.

  2. School rules are necesary, without it all mabye will be a caos. We can stay without school rules if we are more polite, but in now on we can't.
    Perhaps some rules aren't necesary or unless.

  3. I also think that if school rules are necessary because, well people follow a set of rules for all if there is not someone you want to fulfill their consequences but generally everyone know we live in a country where things are if you have to follow some rules Help us to live with others because otherwise it would be a disaster.

  4. I agree with the school rules, because otherwise the students ubiese descontrolarian standards, the whole school would be shattered. No lso would understand between students who have a conflict.

  5. I also think that the rules are necessary for coexistenc. If we don't have rules this would be a descontrol. If people don't want rules maybe is because they don't no how to adapt to them. The rules are necessary to live.

  6. In my opinion, school rules are indispensable, withour rules, the school would be a discontrol, and nobody would study, it would be a complete disaster

  7. I think that, whit no school rules it will be a caos. But some rules aren't necessary. So, in my opinioon school rules are necessary to study, be attentive in class .

  8. I think school rules are necessary but not in excess because if they're very strict you don't have freedom enough. In conclusion, rules put order in school and in your life.

  9. in my opinion I think the rules are good because otherwise people would do what they wanted, ie students would enter when they wanted or students would copy exams ..., this would be a riot, standards are good .

  10. School rules are necessary, because if not, students and teachers would do whatever they wanted and they won't have respect between them.
    We have to know that we have to convive with each other.

  11. Comment sent by Eudald Mercader

    I believe that school rules are fine, serve for the school is not chaos. Because if there were no rules any guy would study, neither would go to school and people would be an illiterate, so the school rules are it is a good way to bring order.
